Mattress protection covers, or encasings, are a type of impermeable membrane between the mattress and the bed sheet on which the guest sleeps. It is well known that these encasings decrease bed comfort through increased sweating, noise and harder surface tension – how strongly this discomfort is perceived depends on the individual guest.
Many guests immediately notice the encasing as uncomfortable and remove it. Others do not, but are dissatisfied with the quality of sleep due to the many side effects. There is no hygiene nor comfort guarantee.
With encasings comes the need to properly care and clean. Unlike the mattress, which has a breathable mass to absorb hair, skin particles, salts and other body fluids, encasings can not absorb. Instead, everything collects on the impermeable surface, impermeable, so dirt and bacteria load is correspondingly high.
An encasing must be washed much more frequently to meet hygienic standards, an additional expense, and a more frequent need to replace them. The advantage of SWISSFEEL mattresses is that their mass absorbs the inevitable dirt and their washability to regularly remove dirt and impurities pore-deep.
So that guests not only sleep comfortably, but also cleanly.